As a responsible company, it is entirely natural that we are committed to giving something back or passing it on, both in our region locally as well as to future generations. As a specialist for barcode systems we also feel very much connected to the ‘stripe’ and have even adopted this topic for our sponsorship projects.
Projects that we are sponsoring:
Animals of Hannover Zoo – Power in Stripes
Our enthusiasm for stripes refers not only to barcodes – striped animals delight us as well. For several years GLOBOS has therefore been sponsoring different animals in the Hanover Adventure Zoo.
Under the motto “Power in stripes” GLOBOS has previously supported the Somali Wild Asses and the Mountain Zebra and now it is the turn of the most powerful amongst the striped families: the Siberian Tiger.
Tiger Aljoscha came from Nuremberg to Hanover in 2016 through the European Endangered Species Program (EEP). On April 12, 2019, together with his partner Alexa, he provided for three striped offspring. We were also able to support the tiger babies Maxim, Jaro and Kyan in the form of a sponsorship for 1.5 years until they left the zoo for France at the end of 2020.

Armored addition to the GLOBOS family
Since February 2023, the GLOBOS family has been happy to welcome an armored addition:
Wilma and Fred, the two armadillos from Hannover Zoo. Their skin armor bones made of belt-shaped bone rings and skin folds give them the striped look that reminded us of our barcodes! The armor also offers optimal protection against natural enemies. The ring-shaped skin folds allow them to curl up completely when attacked.
Originally from the steppes and semi-deserts of North and South America, these mammals are more nocturnal and feed mainly on insects. They live on the ground and sleep in burrows. Despite their robust-looking physique, they are quite nimble and playful contemporaries who can even be petted. We immediately took them to our hearts with their friendly, curious nature.
Supporting Sustainability and Education
Since August 2022, GLOBOS has taken on another important sponsorship and is supporting the expansion and renovation of the new Zoologicum in the Hannover Adventure Zoo.
The Zoologicum (formerly Mullewapp) is under the motto “The world that creates knowledge” and is intended to bring visitors even closer to exotic animal species and their diversity. Since the local connection and the promotion of education and sustainability are very important to us, we are happy that by taking on the sponsorship of the visitor bridge we are making a contribution to the preservation of biodiversity and protecting and preserving it in the long term.
The visitor bridge is a central connecting element in the new theme world. It connects the future giant tortoise enclosure with the other animal enclosures and the “ARTrium” natural grandstand.
What’s special about the bridge? The struts are designed in the form of a barcode and, when scanned, would result in ‘GLOBOS HANNOVER’.

Business for Kids e. V.
Every year GLOBOS is pleased to sponsor the Business for Kids Association. We have been a member of this charitable association since 2013. Under the motto “help, promote and connect”, Business for Kids has been supporting needy children and young people in Hanover and the surrounding region with financial assistance, equipment, time and know-how since 2009. Business for Kids carefully researches eligible projects and institutions which then receive specific support. The association undertakes numerous activities to obtain donations of which 100% goes to fund projects and institutions. This social commitment and sense of responsibility towards children and young people is a matter of great significance to GLOBOS.
We are pleased that our membership contributes to helping people to help themselves, both on a personal and an occupational level, as well as to promoting the talents of children and young people.